How Ideal Body Workout Saved A Life

12/02/2014 12:18

If you have ever suffered from excess weight gain or even from obesity then you would know how painful it can get sometimes. Always feeling out of place, being the odd one out and in fact the laughing stock of the office can be so heartbreaking. Well I have been there before and I understand that, but it took me a lot of courage to embrace my situation and even find the ideal solution to my problem. However with ideal body weight training I managed to overcome my condition. That is when I met Jane a lady who was already weighing 345lbs I knew how much pain she was already going through.

Today I help a lot of people around the world to shed off the extra weight that they do not need, to burn the extra calories, and in turn achieve the most ideal body shape that they would want. In overall I help them to restore their lost esteem, their confidence back, and to embrace a healthy life, by practicing ideal body weight training among other helpful options.

So the moment Jane walked through the door to my body work out gym I fully understood her situation. Yet there was another thing that I understood better than she did probably, that the pain she was going through was way too much than the one she had to bear through our training session. I had previously talked to her over the phone before she came down to our gym and now it was time to sit down and chat the way forward.

As always we began with finding the most ideal reason to why we intended to have our training sessions. What she wanted to achieve at the end of the day and how she wanted to achieve it. Jane wanted to shed of 150lbs within a year of our work out. She also intended to have a great athletic body that would make her to feel more confident and happy. So we formulated a great body workout program that served essentially our objective.

Starting slow at with resistance exercises, we maintained our level for quite a while, later on we went to bodyweight exercises to develop core strength, improve muscle power, and also develop the whole body flexibility. I have to admit that the initial stages were rough and tough but due to Jane’s determination we managed to overcome them.

By the time the eighth month was knocking we had lost 160lbs and had put an ideal calisthenics training to spice up Jane’s training.

In fact our training goal was achieved before we could hit the year’s mark. By the end of the year Jane had managed to lose up to 200lbs and attain the body she wanted. He confidence rose by a great margin and she could now fit on the office chair that proved to be a tight spot. The stairs to her bedroom became a piece of cake and with constant calisthenics training maintain shape was never tough.

Today Jane never misses out on our body workout retreats. She has recommended up to thirty people to our camp and she still keeps hitting the numbers.        


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